2,675 research outputs found

    Universal relations for coupling of optical power between microresonators and dielectric waveguides

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    The most basic and generic configuration, which consists of a unidirectional coupling between a ring resonator and a waveguide, is considered. The fundamental working equations required to describe the associated power transfer are derived and the application of this geometry to a variety of optical phenomena is discussed. These phenomena include 'add/dropping' of optical beams, add/drop filtering and optical power switching

    Quantum theory for parametric interactions of light and hypersound

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    The problem of energy exchange between two electro-magnetic modes of different frequencies and an acoustic mode is formulated and solved. The results of the quantum mechanical analysis are also analyzed in classical terms and are found to be consistent with the theory for parametric interactions. Specific cases treated include: parametric amplification of light, stimulated Brillouin scattering, and frequency conversion

    Equivalence of the coupled-mode and Floquet-Bloch formalisms in periodic optical waveguides

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    A comparison of two theories used to analyze distributed feedback lasers and periodic optical devices finds them, contrary to some claims, to be formally equivalent

    Research in nonlinear optics

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    A theoretical investigation revealed that a steady state mode-locked solution appropriate to ultrashort pulses is induced by Kerr liquids. An experimental investigation using a Q-switched ruby laser passively mode-locked by the insertion of a Kerr liquid verified the theory. Pulses of about 10 to the -11th power sec were generated when the relaxation time of the liquid was temperature tuned to approximately 10 to the -11th power sec

    Design of broad-band PMD compensation filters

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    We describe a new design approach for broad-band polarization-mode dispersion (PMD) compensation filters. An efficient algorithm for minimization of the maximum differential group delay within a given frequency band is described

    Cavity quantum electro-optics. II. Input-output relations between traveling optical and microwave fields

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    In the previous paper [M. Tsang, Phys. Rev. A 81, 063837 (2010), e-print arXiv:1003.0116], I proposed a quantum model of a cavity electro-optic modulator, which can coherently couple an optical cavity mode to a microwave resonator mode and enable novel quantum operations on the two modes, including laser cooling of the microwave mode, electro-optic entanglement, and backaction-evading optical measurement of a microwave quadrature. In this sequel, I focus on the quantum input-output relations between traveling optical and microwave fields coupled to a cavity electro-optic modulator. With red-sideband optical pumping, the relations are shown to resemble those of a beam splitter for the traveling fields, so that in the ideal case of zero parasitic loss and critical coupling, microwave photons can be coherently up-converted to "flying" optical photons with unit efficiency, and vice versa. With blue-sideband pumping, the modulator acts as a nondegenerate parametric amplifier, which can generate two-mode squeezing and hybrid entangled photon pairs at optical and microwave frequencies. These fundamental operations provide a potential bridge between circuit quantum electrodynamics and quantum optics.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, v2: updated and submitte

    Fermi energy dependence of linewidth enhancement factor of GaAlAs buried heterostructure lasers

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    The linewidth enhancement factor alpha is measured in a number of GaAlAs lasers with different internal losses. It is found that alpha decreases monotonically with the increase of the loss (Fermi energy level) in agreement with the theoretical prediction. On the basis of these results the design of cavity length and mirror reflection in order to reduce the spectral linewidth of the laser output is discussed

    Statistical properties of modal noise in fiber-laser systems

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    The direct analysis in the time domain of the fluctuations of a signal propagating in a fiber-optic link in the presence of an imperfect connector makes it possible to formalize in a simple manner the description of its statistical properties. This permits, in particular, the clarification of the role played by the various time scales involved in the problem (coherence time of the fiber-exciting source, fiber modal delay, detector response time, etc.) in evaluating the statistical averages. The formalism includes in a straightforward way the case of simultaneous excitation of the fiber by more than one source. This last circumstance is expedient for checking the beneficial effect on modal noise derived from exciting the fiber with N laser sources

    Noise in Passively Mode-Locked Lasers

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    For the first time, phase fluctuations in the spectral intensity of the pulse train generated by passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers have been measured. The results reveal diffusion-like fluctuations of this phase. The timing jitter fluctuations were also measured, and, in contrast, have a correlation time which is much longer than the repetition time
